Prayer parties come in all shapes and sizes, united by the intention to glorify God and unleash His power in our lives. An Open Door party gives you the opportunity to invite the women in your life into your home to share a time of prayer.

We've added a blog to stay connected between parties and share our adventures. Write to us and let us know what is happening in your life!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I'm constantly amazed, after I'm constantly reminded, of how much I have to learn. Luckily, I love to learn, so it's never bad news. But I would think, by now, I would know (or retain) more than I do. Maybe it's the number of things that race in and out of my mind every day, or my diet of saturated fats, or lack of vitamin E, or maybe it's just human nature. We often relearn lessons don't we?

I wonder sometimes why it takes so many reminders for kids to do what they are supposed to - then I wonder if God feels the same way about me. God is always patient with me - and no matter how many times I relearn the same lesson, He is right there encouraging me.

It's so hard to exemplify that characteristics in our everyday lives, but not impossible. I know a person in my church that portrays endless patience. And I'm inspired by it. I may never achieve it to the same level myself - but it's a goal to work toward. Maybe you have someone like that in your life? If so, I encourage you to learn from that person, and learn to incorporate that same tolerance and patience into your own life. If not, come to Tabernacle Baptist Church in Chicopee, MA and we can work towards the goal together!

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Upcoming Prayer Parties

  • 2/9/2008 Barb Reynolds - Focus: New church in West Springfield