Prayer parties come in all shapes and sizes, united by the intention to glorify God and unleash His power in our lives. An Open Door party gives you the opportunity to invite the women in your life into your home to share a time of prayer.

We've added a blog to stay connected between parties and share our adventures. Write to us and let us know what is happening in your life!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I walked into my office building after lunch and saw cigarette butts tossed on the ground near the door. "People are so impolite," I thought to myself, "They probably figured they were entitled to make a mess for someone to clean because they pay for the services inside the building." Not the most Christian-like thought, I know, but admit it - we've all thought or made comments similar to it. How rude people are, how much they take advantage, how frustruating it is when someone feels entitled just because of who they are or who they aren't, what they've done or what they haven't done.

Wait a minute... last week I went shopping and left a sweater in the pants section because I worked hard all day and I was too tired to return it to the proper rack. And - gasp - I'm guilty of discarding a tube of lipstick near the Wal-mart register because I don't want to lose my place in line. My reasoning? There are employees in the stores who get paid to clean up the racks...

Wow, I am no different from that despicable cigarette litterbug. I sound just like the rude lady at the gym complaining about her state-funded pension. I suffer from the same sense of entitlement that "they" do. But mine is masked beneath consumerism and privilege.

Whatever my reasoning, when I decide it's someone else's job to do what I don't want to, I fall into the trap of entitlement. It makes no difference what my salary is, where I go to church, or who pays my healthcare costs. Entitlement is a non-discriminatory employer that thrives on laziness.

When we choose to do the easy thing, we are falling short of who God has called us to be. Did Jesus take the easy way out? Praise God, He didn't! He never slacked off because he was tired from a long day of teaching. He didn't say, "Lord, I've worked hard today, it's the rabbis job to pray for these people." Jesus persevered and did the right thing so that we would have an example to follow. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount encourages us to strive for excellence, not entitlement. He said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (KJV, Matthew 5:48).

I know that there are going to be plenty of times I fail in my efforts to live that verse. But from now on, I'm putting my lipstick back where it belongs and thinking twice before I comment on a litterbug.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Wow, you guys! Those thoughts are great! Kelly mentioned this blog to me this morning and I had to check it out. Your musings are inspiring and I know God is using your thoughts to encourage others. I can't always tell who is the author of each blog, but I think Melissa has written a few of the recent ones. Melissa, I appreciate your thoughts and can really relate to your blog on "change." I am one who likes change and almost begs for it, well, I like the change I how I change the furniture around in my living room, study and bedroom with each changing season..but when God brings the change (like my unexpected pregnancy #4) I don't embrace it as quickly! But God has taught me to trust in Him and the changes in my life He brings and that He is there beside me, gently urging me to come along and look forward to what He will make of my life. I am so grateful for the changes He has brought to my life and with the church plant coming in the Fall that is a big change that fills me with expectation to see our Great God do great things! God is good. Love and prayers to you all! Jen

Upcoming Prayer Parties

  • 2/9/2008 Barb Reynolds - Focus: New church in West Springfield