Prayer parties come in all shapes and sizes, united by the intention to glorify God and unleash His power in our lives. An Open Door party gives you the opportunity to invite the women in your life into your home to share a time of prayer.

We've added a blog to stay connected between parties and share our adventures. Write to us and let us know what is happening in your life!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I don't think anyone really likes change. The 2008 Presidential Candidates are touting 'change', but do we really want it? It may sound good, it may look good, but inside, sometimes it doesn't feel good.

My life has changed countless numbers of times in the last decade. From college to marriage to Canada and back, twice, I've been through my own share of struggles, distinctly unique and different to anyone else, but difficult for me. I lived in the same house since I was born; for 20 years that never changed. I went to the same elementary school for 9 years and the same high school for 4. That didn't change. Change didn't come into my life until I entered college and decided to give God my life. He doesn't like the same old, same old. He wants to see us change, and for the better. It hurts, though, doesn't it? That same sin we've been struggling with for months or years; He wants that to change. He wants us to cry out to Him to save us from this body of death. Change.

This last change in my life I didn't want to happen, like most of them, but I really fought this one. Changing life careers from one thing to a completely different arena. Going from ministry to the world. I fought. I cried, lots. I fought some more and cried some more. I asked why, I wondered why, I searched my heart, I asked God some more. I'm still not sure why, but it's becoming a little clearer. He wanted me to have a tender heart for those in ministry. He's preparing me for something down the road. He's preparing me for this ministry. He's teaching me patience. He wants to see what is in my heart; He wants to humble me, or better yet, for me to humble myself. He wants to teach me diligence and faithful prayer and Bible reading. He wants to teach me that His ways are certainly not my ways, but they are the best ways. He's reminding me of my frail humanity and all I need is Him in this life. I am but dust and He is my creator. Who knows the creation better than its creator? He's reminding me that my pride is getting in the way of my servanthood and that belief is all I need. He's a great God, good and holy in all His ways and whether I question Him or not, He's still going to have His way because that's what I want, whether I accept it or not.

So while change in our lives is not always joyful or painless, it is always for the better, whether we see it that way at the time or not. God has the puzzle in his view; we only have a piece. Trust Him to put the piece in its right place, then be willing to let Him do it.

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Upcoming Prayer Parties

  • 2/9/2008 Barb Reynolds - Focus: New church in West Springfield