Prayer parties come in all shapes and sizes, united by the intention to glorify God and unleash His power in our lives. An Open Door party gives you the opportunity to invite the women in your life into your home to share a time of prayer.

We've added a blog to stay connected between parties and share our adventures. Write to us and let us know what is happening in your life!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I walked into my office building after lunch and saw cigarette butts tossed on the ground near the door. "People are so impolite," I thought to myself, "They probably figured they were entitled to make a mess for someone to clean because they pay for the services inside the building." Not the most Christian-like thought, I know, but admit it - we've all thought or made comments similar to it. How rude people are, how much they take advantage, how frustruating it is when someone feels entitled just because of who they are or who they aren't, what they've done or what they haven't done.

Wait a minute... last week I went shopping and left a sweater in the pants section because I worked hard all day and I was too tired to return it to the proper rack. And - gasp - I'm guilty of discarding a tube of lipstick near the Wal-mart register because I don't want to lose my place in line. My reasoning? There are employees in the stores who get paid to clean up the racks...

Wow, I am no different from that despicable cigarette litterbug. I sound just like the rude lady at the gym complaining about her state-funded pension. I suffer from the same sense of entitlement that "they" do. But mine is masked beneath consumerism and privilege.

Whatever my reasoning, when I decide it's someone else's job to do what I don't want to, I fall into the trap of entitlement. It makes no difference what my salary is, where I go to church, or who pays my healthcare costs. Entitlement is a non-discriminatory employer that thrives on laziness.

When we choose to do the easy thing, we are falling short of who God has called us to be. Did Jesus take the easy way out? Praise God, He didn't! He never slacked off because he was tired from a long day of teaching. He didn't say, "Lord, I've worked hard today, it's the rabbis job to pray for these people." Jesus persevered and did the right thing so that we would have an example to follow. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount encourages us to strive for excellence, not entitlement. He said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (KJV, Matthew 5:48).

I know that there are going to be plenty of times I fail in my efforts to live that verse. But from now on, I'm putting my lipstick back where it belongs and thinking twice before I comment on a litterbug.

Friday, January 25, 2008

10 Ways to Pray


I found this great little card inserted into a piece of mail I received. I thought I would pass it on to those of you. It's a list of prayers specifically for women. The first one speaks to me personally. Which one touches your heart? Write to us and let us know! Or make a commitment to do something for yourself this week, and make time to pray for these things. Then let us know how God is working in your life!

Pray daily for....
1) A deeper understanding of my value and worth before God. Eph 1:3-4, Psalm 139:1-18
2) Caring Christian friendships and involvement in Christian community. Heb 10:25, Prov 27:8-10, 17
3) Opportunities to share Christ through my words and actions. Matt 25:34-40, 28:18-20
4) Strength to stand firm in the face of temptation. I Cor 10:13, Matt 6:13
5) Greater understanding of what it means to be loved by God and to love others. Phil 1:9-11; Rom 8:38-39
6) Integrity and honesty. Prov 12:22, Psalm 101:2b-3
7) Humility to admit my sins and ask for forgiveness. Prov 28:13, Acts 3:19
8) Wisdom in my daily life and actions. James 1:5, Psalm 25:4-5
9) A sense of God's calling and purpose in my life. Eph 4:1-3, 1:11-12
10) Gratitude in all things. Col 3:15-17, 1 Thes 5:18

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Encouragement comes from all areas. God's Word is an encouragement to us, and I've learned that the verse that tells us that it's powerful as a two-edged sword, it's so true. Prayer is an encouragement. It reassures us that God is by our side 24/7 and He never leaves us, never forsakes us, and ALWAYS loves us. It's a stress reliever, letting God know that we absolutely can't do it and that we feel helpless and don't know where else to turn.People, though, are sometimes my favorite source of encouragement. Godly people, of course, and I'm careful who I get my advice from. I love to read the Bible and I love to pray, and lately, it's been a lifeline for me. I'm learning that it needs to be a lifeline everyday. Sometimes, though, verbal encouragement is what we need. Sometimes all we need to hear is that we're loved, prayed for, and appreciated.

People have done that in my life in the last week. So many ladies, and a few men, have loved me, hugged me, prayed for me and encouraged me, letting me know that I'm not completely crazy and that this storm will pass. God wants my allegiance, and He'll use all kinds of tests to see where my allegiance lies. I've concluded that God and Satan are battling and using me as a catalyst. Satan wants me, he sees me as a threat to his plan, but God wants me more and wants to use me for His grand plan. Life is a puzzle, and God sees the big picture. We are the pieces that He's using to put the puzzle together, and sometimes it's a struggle to know where the piece fits. We think it doesn't go anywhere, or it's just an extra piece. But God knows where the piece goes, and if we love Him and have accepted Him in our hearts, He's holding us and knows exactly where that piece goes. He's going to put it in its place, but not after a few struggles. Through it all, though, He's holding us and not letting go, even though we may have let go. His faithfulness is always true when ours flounders.

So thanks to you, those who have been an enormous encouragement to me; you know who you are. Live like there's hope, because there is. Jesus is our hope and inheritance and we have to hold fast to that when the dark clouds surround and we can't see the way out. Jesus is holding us, and we have to live everyday that there is victory, even when we can't see it.

Praise You in the Storm (Casting Crowns)

I was sure by now

God You would have reached down

And wiped our tears away

Stepped in and saved the day

But once again, I say "Amen",

and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls

I barely hear Your whisper through the rain

"I'm with you"

And as Your mercy falls

I raise my hands and praise the God who gives

And takes away

And I'll praise You in this storm

And I will lift my hands

For You are who You are

No matter where I am

And every tear I've cried

You hold in Your hand

You never left my side

And though my heart is torn

I will praise You in this storm

I remember when

I stumbled in the wind

You heard my cry

You raised me up again

My strength is almost gone

How can I carry on

If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls

I barely hear You whisper through the rain

"I'm with you"

And as Your mercy falls

I raise my hands and praise the God who gives

And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills

Where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord

The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Monday, January 14, 2008

Prayer - in the real world

The other day I sat down to pray. I really needed to hear from God. Just a reassurance that He was aware of what was going on. I knew He did, but I just wanted to doublecheck, you know?

So I sat on my hand-me-down ottoman, in front of a window, put my Bible in my lap and began.

And began again. And again.

When I started feeling like Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day," I figured I needed a time out (but since I hadn't actually started anything yet, I wasn't sure if it was a "time out" or a "time in"). At any rate, I quickly realized what my problem was. My head wouldn't quit working. I couldn't quiet myself enough to hear that still, small voice I was searching for.

I like to think this happens to a lot of women. If it doesn't, don't tell me, just let me pretend. But in this world, with everything moving so fast and demanding our attention, sometimes it is hard to sit quietly and connect with God. In my case, I was so wound up that I needed a full thirty minutes to decompress. At other times, we may be separated because of a guilty conscience, or even because subconsciously we don't want to hear Him. Whatever the reason, there will be times when it is harder to enter His presence and enjoy the peace that goes beyond understanding.

During these times we have a couple options, we can walk away or we can wait. Speaking from experience, I encourage you to wait. Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart;" and Psalm 37:7, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him." Several other verses urge us to wait on the Lord, because He does hear us and He is with us. In my case, I think He was just waiting until I gave Him my complete attention.

It's not wrong to have lots of things in our heads or in our hearts, but if we walk away too quickly, we miss out on the blessing of God's presence in our life. So take some time with God today. Keep at it until you've experienced that peace that only He brings. I promise you won't regret the opportunity.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I don't think anyone really likes change. The 2008 Presidential Candidates are touting 'change', but do we really want it? It may sound good, it may look good, but inside, sometimes it doesn't feel good.

My life has changed countless numbers of times in the last decade. From college to marriage to Canada and back, twice, I've been through my own share of struggles, distinctly unique and different to anyone else, but difficult for me. I lived in the same house since I was born; for 20 years that never changed. I went to the same elementary school for 9 years and the same high school for 4. That didn't change. Change didn't come into my life until I entered college and decided to give God my life. He doesn't like the same old, same old. He wants to see us change, and for the better. It hurts, though, doesn't it? That same sin we've been struggling with for months or years; He wants that to change. He wants us to cry out to Him to save us from this body of death. Change.

This last change in my life I didn't want to happen, like most of them, but I really fought this one. Changing life careers from one thing to a completely different arena. Going from ministry to the world. I fought. I cried, lots. I fought some more and cried some more. I asked why, I wondered why, I searched my heart, I asked God some more. I'm still not sure why, but it's becoming a little clearer. He wanted me to have a tender heart for those in ministry. He's preparing me for something down the road. He's preparing me for this ministry. He's teaching me patience. He wants to see what is in my heart; He wants to humble me, or better yet, for me to humble myself. He wants to teach me diligence and faithful prayer and Bible reading. He wants to teach me that His ways are certainly not my ways, but they are the best ways. He's reminding me of my frail humanity and all I need is Him in this life. I am but dust and He is my creator. Who knows the creation better than its creator? He's reminding me that my pride is getting in the way of my servanthood and that belief is all I need. He's a great God, good and holy in all His ways and whether I question Him or not, He's still going to have His way because that's what I want, whether I accept it or not.

So while change in our lives is not always joyful or painless, it is always for the better, whether we see it that way at the time or not. God has the puzzle in his view; we only have a piece. Trust Him to put the piece in its right place, then be willing to let Him do it.

New Year, New Me?

So 2008 is here and I'm actually excited about it. I usually pass by January 1st without a glance, but this year something happened to change that.

A couple of days before ringing in 2008, I read over some pages in my journal from this time last year. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was definitly a shock to read my year-old entries and realize they could have been written the day before. Really, nothing has changed! I am still facing the same challenges I was last year, I haven't crossed a single "to-do-before-I-die" item off my list, and I am still single.

Now, I'm not a fan of change. I like the status quo. I have more blessings than most in the world, and I don't want to be greedy. At least that's what I tell myself. Because, let's admit it, change is scary. It's work. It's a whole lot of emotional energy and risk, without the guarantee of success. So the status quo has worked for me.

Until now.

I have decided that 2008 will be my year of change, for better or worse... scratch that, for better or best (probably a good idea to focus on the positive for now). It's the year that I'm going to let God do all the planning - my plans never seem to work out anyhow. It's the year that I will challenge myself, trust my God, and stop being lazy about my dreams. God gave us dreams for a reason, right?

So far, I've joined the gym, scheduled a day to go whale watching, and started praying for God to show me where He wants me to go from here. I'm lucky to have great friends to share my year with, and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in their lives. Join us in the adventure and write us here at Open Door to tell us what your 2008 is going to be like!

Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Open the door!

I love doors, especially old farmhouse doors and the way they squeak when you open them and slam when you shut them. There is just something about an open door that makes me want to go in. It’s inviting, exciting and sometimes even a little scary.
To me prayer is like an open door. It is a door of comfort, peace, encouragement, and strength. It is a door you want to enter when times are tough and when times are amazing. It is an open door to empty your burdens and release your stresses. It is always open – it is never shut and doesn’t lock. It is an open door to your biggest visions and smallest wishes. It is seeking the presence of God and releasing His power. It is a door to worship.
All that could happen in our lives and in our church cannot happen without His presence or His power. Prayer invites and ignites both. Invite Him to spend time with you through prayer each day. Open the door, enjoy the fellowship!

Upcoming Prayer Parties

  • 2/9/2008 Barb Reynolds - Focus: New church in West Springfield